04 July 2010


I guess I count myself among that ever-growing group of people who make a fuss about the origin, altitude, process, roasting methods, delivery and eventual steeping and presentation of a few grams of coffee beans.
The same group of fickle, opinionated and scornful folk who spend more time complaining about coffee than they do enjoying it.
When we first moved to Berlin, it was hard to find a cafe that served the similar Italian, espresso style coffee that I'd become used to in Sydney, so, I was pretty excited to find a passionate coffee nerd running a first class cafe on my street, no less.
Before I had a full time job I would spend a large part of my day in Cafe CK on MarienburgerStraße talking shit and stealing wireless. When my mum recently sent a bag of Campos beans for my birthday, the accommodating Cory Andreen of Cafe CK. (American Ex-pat and House DJ du jour) was good enough to whip us up a few espressos from his machine and so began a coffee swap-meet of sorts.
Today Cory hooked me up with 3 separate types of beans he picked up at the World Barista championships in London from roasters in Oslo, Gothenburg and London....complete with tasting notes.



Anonymous July 7, 2010 at 4:53 AM  

Hey Blake - i have wished for such a bold move for my family from brisbane to berlin...i was really interested to find out how you did it, by way of do you speak fluent german, also how did it go setting up shop in the amazing berlin? If you would care to chat my email is markblaney@hotmail.com. Keep up the tip top work! Cheers Mark p.s - more bikes!


About This Blog

'Once daily' is an excercise in forced productivity.
I've set a goal of posting one thing on this page every single day.
Mostly, photography but I'm not ruling anything else out. Yes, some of it might be shit.

One thing a day. No excuses.


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